Saturday, May 30, 2009

Signed up for the Oral

As the title says, I have finally signed up. I missed the last one by a day, but this time I think I might be the first one on the list.

When I was studying in January, I found this book that sounded useful: Practical Law for Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience. I requested it from the public library back then, and lo and behold, five months later it was my turn and I picked it up. I highly recommend it for a no-nonsense, current overview of practical legal issues for professionals - it is the best resource I have come across for myself on the various legal topics. At $85 on, it is a deal for the information in it, and I will absolutely buy it for reference. There is also a companion website with resources and self-study questions:

There are 15 currently in line to borrow this book from VPL - so if you want your hands on it by Christmas then you'll need to request it now!