Monday, April 21, 2008

Intern Architect Rep Report

Here goes - just jetted this to ... Official numbers always come from the AIBC, but given my training as an architect-in-training mine aren't far off...

- Interns of poto:group develop poto:type, an international ideas competition on the podium tower typology. 45 entries from 8 countries. Intern Architect Committee organizes the exhibition preview as the year's Intern Event. Standing-room-only panel discussion at Robson Square in October, with winners coming from Rome.

- July 2008: NCARB AREs transition from version 3.1 to 4.0
- General increase in interns (493 in March 2008; 460 a year ago, April 2007). [With about 1500 architects we are now talking about an IA : MAIBC ratio of 1 to 3]
- Still unbalanced in terms of number of new interns (73 since 2007 AGM; 71 previous year) and new architects by internship (42 since 2007 AGM; 22 previous year), but the latter have doubled over the past year.
- General increase in intern activity: AREs being written (pass/total ratios: average 43/53 per month since June 2007, 80% pass rate; up from approx (I am missing some months) 32/38 previous year, 85% pass rate); Intern-required PD courses (17 courses, 533 intern-seats in 2007; 14 courses and 438 intern-seats in 2006); Oral Reviews (51 pass of 57 since 2007 AGM; 39/50 previous year)

- Intern Architect Committee active in helping interns get through exams (more tips and tricks in Intern Update newsletter; ARE Seminars; though study guides on hold). We bring in for the first time David Thaddeus AIA from North Carolina to teach his 3-day 30-hour Structures ARE Preparation Workshop in November.
- Intern Rep: since seeing in a past survey that about 50% of interns had not even taken one exam I've tried to "demystify" the process and write in my intern rep blog about my own process of taking 8 exams of 9 in the past year. I've generally been active in blogging my AIBC and intern experience, in hopes of bringing both worlds closer together. Also wanted to demystify the Oral so observed 2 real sessions and participated as the intern in first ever Mock Oral Review

- Welcome to Scott Staniul, new Intern Rep


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