Friday, December 01, 2006

sardines schilling superman 'struction

Mostly walking to work ... and back these days in the snow. Transit sucks - packed like sardines either on the bus or Skytrain that don't have proper ventilation (I think). Walked on Cambie Bridge the other night. Have you seen that Concord Pacific building east of the bridge? I think the lack of setback is just totally gross! Almost as bad as the Main St. Skytrain station, where people look straight into people's homes from the platform.

Anyways. What's new. Annual report stuff - Patrick Schilling, the chair of the intern committee has written something up, asked me to look over it. Intern Update out. The first page seems to be stuff by the staff, the second page mostly stuff by Anthony Milkovich and me. No "real" article. I wrote something, not much of anything really, but I guess that didn't make the cut.

Went to the lecture on, what was it, Tuesday? A belgium architect. Did some absolutely fabulous stuff - what I would call urban architectural design. I'd call him some sort of a mild mannered Superman. Presentation style was "mild" but his work was absolutely bang on.

Talked to Margo Paris at CANstruction yesterday. She's pretty cool - she did an architectural degree, though didn't go for registration. Anyways, she wants us interns to participate! Here's what she wrote this morning:

"1. If the entry fee is a significant hurdle, we can look at designating an unused sponsor entry (no charge) on a case by case basis.
2. An all-intern team might be considered equivalent to a school team at the reduced $100 rate. This is for a team comprised of individuals, who are not representing their employers.
3. Interns can be matched with existing school or corporate teams who are in need of a designer.
4. Interns can join an existing corporate team - one with a designated design professional - the more hands the merrier.
5. Interns can volunteer at the Canstruction Competition, during the build, exhibit and/or de-canstruction, providing support to the Food Bank organizing committee."

So! If you are interested, let me know. Or email directly


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